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Hotel Papendal Papendallaan 3 6816 VD Arnhem
12:00:00 - 19:00:00
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The world of integrated photonics: a new emerging market of integrated photonics, next to the mature market of the high tech industry, semicon and manufacturing industry. Get the best of both worlds at the PhotonDelta Day 2019! Together we are able to grow insights: analyze the differences and similarities between the industries and learn from each other.


Program details
At the PhotonDelta day a variety of people and companies tell you about the lessons learned from high tech and semicon Industry and you can discover how and to what extend these lessons apply to the world of integrated photonics. Related high tech and semicon companies can learn about the integrated photonics technology and their characteristics and determine which business opportunities arise for them.

One of the subsessions will be organized by High Tech NL (Ben van der Zon) and High Tech Systems Centre (Ton Peijnenburg). Regarding equipment needs by the emerging industry. Companies within integrated photonics are scaling up their business, which comes with the need to automate their production processs. In this session we will explore the need and the possibilities by both the industry and the equipment developers.

More about the event

Date: Tuesday December 3
Time: 12:00-19:00h
Location: Hotel Papendal, Arnhem -> Route and parking


12:00 h | Walk-in and lunch
12:45 h | Welcome by chairman of the day Charles Smit (Chairman Holland Semiconductors)
12:55 h | First year of PhotonDelta by Ewit Roos (CEO PhotonDelta)
13:10 h | Keynote by Martijn Heck (Aarhus University)
13:45 h | Airbus – presenting their vision on integrated photonics
14:05 h | Dialogue of designhouses – disclosure of insights: in a dialogue, we will compare the design of the two industries. We have asked prominents, working in and known
with design houses, to what extend the now somewhat separate worlds can learn from each other. Integrated photonics claims to be state of the art and to be different,
but that statement will be challenged. With Tim Tiek (Bruco), Ronald Broeke (Bright Photonics), and Ton Backx (TU/e).
14:40 h | Networking break
15:25 h | Sub-sessions
–    Photonics Integration Technology Center: a look into our plans. What is needed by the industry, what is the vision of our Universities on this technology centre and what can we learn from other initiatives that try to overcome the gap between knowledge and industry? With Johan Feenstra (SMART Photonics), Jaap Lombaers (TNO) and Pieter Telleman (University Twente).
–    PhotonDelta Flagship: meeting the ecosystem partners and their joint project on the hybrid InP and TriPleX technology platform in chip design, chip manufacturing, assembly, packaging and testing for a Spaceborne Satellite Communication Module.
–    Insights on the packaging challenges. Carol de Vries did research on the packaging challenges at both industries: integrated photonics and the semicon industry. In this sub-session you can learn from his insights and you can bring your experience or question to the table!
–    Equipment needs by the emerging industry. Companies within integrated photonics are scaling up their business, which comes with the need to automate their production processs. In this session we will explore the need and the possibilities by both the industry and the equipment developers, guided and initiated by Ben van der Zon en Ton Peijnenburg, High Tech NL and High Tech Systems Center.
16:45 h | Moonshots: the latest insights on integrated photonics, by two talented professors from our technology universities. Sonia Garcia Blanco will take you on a journey to her work of field.
17:15 h | Next steps and closing by Charles Smit
17:25 h | Drinks and moment of networking


The event is interesting for representatives of the integrated photonics industry and representatives of equipment developing/producing companies in the high tech sector and semicon industry. Free entry.


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