
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

KDT kick-off and Brokerage 2022

Hotel Le Plaza Brussels
03-05-2022 untill 04-05-2022

KDT Kick-off and Brokerage 2022 is a two-day event and will take place on 3-4 May 2022 at Hotel Le Plaza Brussels, where the creation of project proposals and building of consortia will be core business! AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside join their forces again to bring all experts together and providing the perfect environment for networking opportunities.

Present your idea
The KDT Kick-off and Brokerage 2022 offers you various networking opportunities like breakout rooms, face-to-face project idea discussions and the possibility to present your project idea and find potential future consortium partners! We invite you to share your project idea with the ECS Community by uploading your idea in the ECS Collaboration Tool. Please note that pitch slots in the plenary session will be limited so make sure to apply in time.

How to apply for a pitch:

  1. Register for the KDT Kick-off and Brokerage 2022
  2. Share your project idea in the ECS Collaboration Tool (ECT)
  3. Indicate in the ECT if you wish to give a pitch in the plenary session – to present your project idea to potential partners before 24 April
  4. Apply for poster space in the ECT before 24 April
  5. Prepare your poster and/or pitch presentation using the templates in the ECT and save them in the ECT
  6. Bring your printed poster to the event

Don’t miss out! The KDT Kick-off and Brokerage 2022 has a limited availability and first come… first serve. Register now via:

Register Now! 

More information – event – programme – hotel 


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