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Follow up workshops ‘Equipment for efficient production of integrated photonics’

09:00:00 - 17:00:00
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As a follow up to the webinar ‘Equipment for efficient production of integrated photonicsPhotonDelta, TU/e HTSC and High Tech NL will organize four workshops in which we will dive into the topics in more detail. The aim for these workshops is to get an interactive session and dialogue with equipment manufacturers, industry experts and users. You can download the report which was presented in the webinar here.

These workshops will take place on October 29, from 09:00 – 16:15 CEST. Due to the situation with covid-19 and the measures taken by the Dutch government, the workshops will take place digitally. We will use specific tools in order to stimulate interactivity. These tools will be communicated on a later stage. It is possible to follow more workshops





Time Subject
09:00 – 10:30 Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 aims at 100% Yield, 100% constant quality, high production speed, all without human interference. To achieve this, automation over the full production chain needs to be available, meaning interface standards both in the hardware, software and data domains. Equipment needs to to be prepared for predictive maintenance, automated calibration and automated process tuning. This workshop will deal with these requirements to be implemented in the equipment to be prepared for the bright 4.0 future
10:45 – 12:15 Front-end
Photonic foundries work with wafers like the Si semiconductor industry. But they use also materials like InP.  These typically have smaller wafersizes (75-150mm) . Although the process equipment is similar, the processes can be quite different, and wafer handling is critical.  Process control requirements are high but there is no need for >100Wph throughput. To help this new industry mature there is a need for smaller and more cost effective solutions. This is what this workshop wants to address
13:00 – 14:30 Back-end
Up to 80% of the cost of photonic solutions is in assembly and packaging. There is a huge variety and there are no standards yet. In many cases multiple die need to be placed in one package, both PIC and silicon, and temperature control is often important. Very accurate placement is needed (XYZ) below  micron level and photonic devices are often edge emitters. Especially fiber coupling is a challenge with accuracies needed of 0,1 micron. High frequencies and higher and higher data rates require novel ways of packaging. This creates many opportunities in this fast growing area, and requirements and options is what we want to discuss in this workshop
14:45 – 16:15 Metrologie
High quality products, high yields and lower cost all rely on high performance metrology.  Both in-line and final testing.  Photonic integrated circuits (PIC) offer some unique challenges here as often both electrical and photonic characteristics need to be measured simultaneously,  and tests can be quite long or difficult to do in-line, so there is a huge need to improve. Since many PIC are edge emitters doing wafer level measurements is quite difficult. To create fast learning cycles process feedback proper automation is also important.  These challenges offer also unique opportunities which we want to address in this workshop together with the requirements.

The details of the workshops will be introduced during the webinar this Thursday. However, you can already register for the workshops through the link below. You can register for more than one workshop.





There is no participation fee for these workshops, but please sign up in advance. This event is made possible by Holland High Tech MIT-regeling Netwerkactiviteiten

More information about the roadmap photonics you can find here or you can contact Ben der Zon;

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