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EU-Taiwan Event on Industry of the Future

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This business oriented event is a joint initiative of the European Commission, the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), the Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan facilitated by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the Industial Development Bureau (IDB), the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and Silicon Europe Worldwide at the occasion of the third industrial dialogue between the EU and Taiwan.

The aim of the Event is to foster cooperation between European and Taiwanese companies, clusters and business associations by exploring possible common areas of interest for cooperation and complementarities, in terms of sectoral, value chain, and market focus.

The event will feature seminars on the future of manufacturing, circular economy, 5G and clusters cooperation. In addition, a specific matchmaking event will take place on 26 June for clusters and business associations while a Business to business (B2B) and Business to clusters (B2C) matchmaking will take place on 27 June.

Dit evenement wordt mede georganiseerd door High Tech NL, als partner van Silicon Europe Worldwide.

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