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WEBINAR: ‘Equipment for efficient production of integrated photonics’

14:00:00 - 15:15:00
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Although many similarities seem to exist between semicon and photonic production there are major differences. Development of (front end and back end) production equipment tuned to the needs of integrated photonics will provide the photonics industry the tools to efficiently and reliably produce the photonic devices and systems. Equipment companies on the other hand, will be involved in the growing photonics industry and can prepare for the upcoming large global equipment market.

Photon Delta, the TU/e-High Tech Systems Center and High Tech NL jointly invite you for a webinar on ‘Equipment for efficient production of integrated photonics’. This webinar is an introduction to a new program on the development of production, integration/assembly and testing equipment for photonic devices and systems in order to build a successful photonic ecosystem in the Netherlands with global potential


14:00 – 14:15 | Introduction PhotonDelta & Integrated photonics business and market opportunities | Giuseppe Coppola, PhotonDelta
14:15 – 14:45 | Main conclusions report and previous workshops | Ben van der Zon, High Tech NL
| Ton Peijnenburg, HTSC (TU/e)
14:45 – 14:50 | Next steps: follow-up in smaller groups per subdomain | Carol de Vries, PhotonDelta
14:50 – 15:00 | Q&A





Aspects driving the need for specific equipment

  • Growth of market demand for integrated photonics products and systems.
  • Availability of equipment for photonic-electronic assembly with sufficient accuracy and speed.
  •  Combined front end and back end metrology tools for testing photonic/electronic performance with sufficient accuracy and speed.
  • Tailoring top grade semiconductor production equipment as this equipment is on aspects over specified (e.g. production capacity, wafer capability) and hence too expensive.
  • Insufficient standardisation of processes hence standardized equipment (modules) are not yet available.
  • Over the years, the Dutch equipment builders (OEM and 1st tier) have worked and improved their performance alongside Moore’s law, making them currently very well positioned to cater for challenging markets with complex production equipment needs like photonics.

A survey among Dutch photonic key players revealed equipment needs of the photonic community.  In dialogue with the Dutch equipment building society these needs can be satisfied and will conclude in the near future in an acceleration of the photonic activities in the Netherlands through dedicated production equipment developments as well as a fair global positioning of the equipment suppliers. The equipment needs include the following challenges:

  • Back end assembly
    • Active (multi fiber) alignment
    • Chip design for fiber connection
    • Thermally stable fiber fixation
    • Photonic/electronic interconnects
    • Multi die positioning
    • cooling
  • On chip/wafer electrical/optical probing
    • On chip test structures
  • Defect mechanism determination and mitigation (extensive process knowledge) for InP chip production
  • Material/wafer/die handling
  • Standardisation of transport/storage
  • Automated binning support
  • Production chain logistics (like IDRS Factory Integration, industry 4.0)
  • Optimised Litho tools (lower costs, lower volume)
  • Layer technology (thick oxide layers, anti-reflective coatings, barrier coatings)

Photon Delta, the TU/e-High Tech Systems Center and High Tech NL are setting up a program on the development of production, integration/assembly and testing equipment for photonic devices and systems in order to build a successful photonic ecosystem in the Netherlands with global potential



There is no participation fee for this workshop, but please sign up in advance. This event is made possible by Holland High Tech MIT-regeling Netwerkactiviteiten


More information about the roadmap photonics you can find here or you can contact Ben der Zon;

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