
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center (e/MTIC) Conference

Muziekgebouw, Eindhoven
09:30:00 - 16:30:00

e/MTIC has created an ecosystem that strongly increases the speed of innovation in healthcare to benefit patients and contribute to an effective healthcare system. The theme of this year’s conference is “Fast track to clinical innovation: the essentials.”

It is a varied program in which key stakeholders in the Netherlands share their thoughts on how to prepare for a future of sustainable healthcare. Multiple e/MTIC experts will share, how collaboration across disciplines and organisations in the e/MTIC ecosystem, contributes to breakthrough innovation and elaborate on the increasing importance of data and AI. The conference will offer a perfect opportunity to (re)connect with your MedTech colleagues during the coffee breaks and at the exhibition arena.

More information & registration 

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