
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

EFECS 2022

Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
24-11-2022 untill 25-11-2022

Will you join us in Amsterdam? Create impact by collaborative innovation for an autonomous and sustainable Europe! Mark your agenda on 24-25 November for the sixth edition of the European Forum for Electronic Compents and Systems. Meet us at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam where we come together to create impact by collaborative innovation!

What to expect

Together we will discover, align, network, shape and learn how to impact the ECS for a green transition of digitisation. AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside joined forces again to create collaborative innovation through economic and societal challenges to boost the European digital economy.

Get inspired

From high level keynotes to panel sessions, shaping the ECS SRIA 2023 and call information: EFECS is going to inspire you! This event is the rendez-vous of stakeholders from across the whole ECS community, including an extensive field of speakers.

New project ideas

Check out the opportunity to present your project idea poster in the ECS Collaboration Tool (ECT) and at the marketplace and/or pitch your idea at the Pre-Brokerage session in the plenary. Moreover, the ECT will enable you to build consortia and establish cooperation already prior to the event.

Booth application

Why not start thinking about how you can take advantage of the opportunities that EFECS offers? Consider showcasing your project in the exhibition! We will keep you informed regarding the application and submission process shortly, so you can already start preparing your project poster and booth application.  


More information & registration

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