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Electrochemical Symposium (ECNS)

Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht
09:00 - 18:30
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We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the second edition of the Electrochemical Symposium (ECNS), scheduled for May 12, 2025.Following the remarkable success of last year’s event, we are poised to explore even deeper into the advancements and future prospects of electrochemistry. This year’s hosts are GroenvermogenNL and EIRES TU/e.Join us as we dive into the future of electrochemistry– a crucial area for addressing the pressing challenges of sustainability in conversion and storage.

Plenary speakers:

Ifan Stephens – Imperial collage London

Ifan’s research is influencing the future of sustainable energy and eco-friendly industries. This includes creating electrolysis methods for storing renewable electricity, improving fuel cells as a possible zero-emission power source for vehicles, and innovating green chemical synthesis for more environmentally friendly industrial processes.

Marnix Wagemaker – Technical University of Delft

Marnix’s research focuses on electrochemical energy storage, particularly understanding battery processes at a fundamental level. He uses advanced techniques like operando neutron and X-ray methods, as well as solid-state NMR, to study structural and kinetic properties during charge and discharge cycles, aiming to improve battery performance.

Submit your abstract for an oral presentation

For PhD candidates & PostDoc researchers, it is a great opportunity to present your research in one of the focus sessions. Submit your abstract no later than 4th April! 

Where & When
Date: Monday, May 12, 2025
Location: Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht

Time: 09.00 – 18:30 hrs (incl. drinks)
Dinner: 18:30 – 20.30 hrs

For more information click here!


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