
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Industry Showcase 2021

25-05-2021 untill 27-05-2021
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The Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (RAI) Industry Showcase is a unique community-led event that stimulates collaborative development for solving real world problems with RAI.

The world we live in faces ever-changing societal, environmental and economic challenges. At RAI21 this year, we will explore some of these challenges and the opportunities for robotics & AI to drive positive changeĀ in the UK and globally.

Attendees will have the opportunity to:
  • Learn about how RAI technologies have the power to improve economic resilience and quality of life
  • Be inspired and hear from companies adopting new technology
  • Make new connections and find partners and customers
  • Understand RAI capability in the UK and identify people who can help you take your ideas forward
  • Gain insight into future trends

This year’s showcase includes:

  • Three days of talks and collaborative sessions
  • Virtual exhibition stands with live demonstrations and chat
  • Bookable one-to-one meetings with fellow attendees and exhibitors

By going virtual, we are not limited by location or capacity. This is our chance to showcase UK RAI innovators and connect collaborators and end users to a global audience.

More information and registration

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