
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.


27-09-2017 untill 28-09-2017

RoboBusiness is the pioneering event of the global robotics industry and the most important gathering of the year for those seeking to learn more about and profit from robotics.

For over 12 years, RoboBusiness has brought together thousands of executives, engineers, investors, startups and robotics experts from around the world to learn from one another and build robotics strategies that can be immediately put to use to grow their businesses and stay ahead of the competition.

At RoboBusiness, you will:

  • Learn how to craft and implement a successful robotics strategy
  • See hundreds of robotics products and compare the best solutions for your business needs
  • Build relationships with the most influential end users, investors, and solutions providers
  • Find ground-breaking, revolutionizing and life changing advancements being made
  • Become a vital part of the robotics ecosystem and help shape the future of business

More information:

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