
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

Online meeting Holland Robotics Logistics

15:00:00 - 17:00:00
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We would like to invite you to the online meeting in the framework of the OP Zuid project Holland Robotics Logistics on Tuesday, March 23 at 15:00. In this meeting VDL ETG and LCB (Logistic Community Brabant), among others, will give a presentation.

Preliminary program

15.00 - 15.05 h | Welcome by Thijs Dorssers | Manager Holland Robotics
15.05 - 15.25 hrs | From proto to industrialization | VDL ETG Projects
15.25 - 15.45 hrs | Presentation Logistic Community Brabant |.
15.45 - 16.05 hrs | Sustainability and robotics in logistics Netherlands |Netherlands Distribution Country
16.05 - 16.30 h | Closing and online networking through networking tool




About LCB
Logistics Community Brabant is THE cooperation between Tue, Tiu, JADS, NLDA and BUas and brings Logistic innovation to SME's, Healthcare and CITY in Brabant. They do this by a.o. employing students on innovative projects & organizing knowledge workshops for the different themes; Smart Industries, Multimodal, Care Logistics, Event Logistics and the Liveable City.

A number of projects/field labs have also been set up in which companies participate, develop solutions and can learn from each other. These include DALI (DATA SCIENCE) and the new to-be-started DDSZ (DIGITAL DATA SQUARE SOUTH). DDSZ consists of projects in the areas of; Smart Robotics, Smart Contracts, Liveable City & AVS (augmented & virtual reality/serious gaming)

Within Logistics Community Brabant and within these field labs, shippers, logistics service providers, hardware builders and integrators work together to create an innovative logistics company and Brabant

About Dutch Distribution Land
NDL is the association of and for the logistics sector whose main task is to promote the Netherlands as a European logistics hub abroad with the aim of attracting logistics investments and cargo flows for its members. NDL is unique in the world as an organization that represents and promotes a country's entire logistics sector abroad. NDL gives the Netherlands an edge in the acquisition of logistics activities.


We also offer ample opportunity for online networking and contact with both participants within the Holland Robotics Logistics project and other relevant parties.

More information about the program will follow soon.


Participation is free of charge, provided you register via the button below.




This meeting is organized in the framework of the OP south projects Holland Robotics LogisticsĀ 

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