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Vision, Robotics & Motion 2022

Brabanthallen 's-Hertogenbosch, Diezekade 2, 5222 AK 's-Hertogenbosch
08-06-2022 untill 09-06-2022

From top notch components to smart solutions for futureproof industrial integrated systems

After a two-year absence, Vision, Robotics and Motion 2022 is scheduled for June 8 and 9. Also during this edition, Holland Robotics will provide a full lecture track.

A rapidly changing world demands even more flexible, reliable, safer and faster production. An integrated system where vision technology, robotics and motion control are cleverly connected in one process is the answer. From automation to more connectivity, accessibility and machine safety. Here, smart is realized by applying data science techniques such as AI, machine learning and deep learning. After OEMs, more and more production sectors in the SME high-tech and manufacturing industry are now making this step.

During Vision, Robotics & Motion, discover the components for a complete integrated system: from vision and optics, robotics, motion control to data science solutions

There are plenty of opportunities for companies in, for example, metal, machine and equipment construction, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics, but also in agri, food and horticulture. During Vision, Robotics & Motion on June 8 and 9, 2022, you will discover what opportunities and smart solutions there are to apply industrial integrated systems in practice.

As in other years, Holland Robotics is organizing a lecture program on the first day. The following speakers are among those scheduled:

Vision, Robotics & Motion highlights the following hot topics and trends:

  • Vision: machine vision, embedded vision, 3D inspection systems, short-wave infrared (SWIR), hyperspectral, 2D vision, surface analysis, smart cameras
  • Optics: Liquid lenses, UV optics, Infrared optics
  • Robotics: robots, cobots, Automated Guided Vehicles (AVG), Vision Guided Robotics (VGR) and machine and robot safety
  • Motion control: integrated industrial communications, IT and OT synchronization, scalable and accessible products, 5G
  • Data science: Artificial Intelligence, deep and machine learning, embedded systems



Brabanthallen 's-Hertogenbosch
Diezekade 2
5222 AK 's-Hertogenbosch

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