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Follow-up meeting project inventory robotization for healthcare

Kerkhofstraat 21 5554 HG Valkenswaard
13:00:00 - 17:00:00
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On March 24, Holland Robotics, together with the Brabant Development Company (BOM), Breda Robotics, Care Innovation Cente and Berenschot is organizing the follow-up meeting to draw up proposals for a new project in the field of robotics for healthcare (Care & Cure). During this physical meeting we want to get to work concretely with the ten project possibilities that we drew up on the basis of the first inventory session.

Date and time.
March 24 from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Place for Bizz

Kerkhofstraat 21
5554 HG Valkenswaard

The healthcare sector is undergoing tremendous change, and recent times have made it clear that there are quite a few challenges within this sector:

  • Current shortage of personnel
  • Aging population creates even greater labor shortage
  • Aging population creates greater demand for care
  • Technological and digital developments require different skills from employees
  • The percentage of overweight people is rising, leading to greater demand for care
  • Working in healthcare has many physically demanding and monotonous activities

Robotics applications can solve these challenges.

In the healthcare domain, we see a number of types of robots
Download the project proposals

A | Social robots
B | Lift and transport robots
C | Operational robots
D | Logistic robots
E | Other robotics

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Listen to the recording of previous inventory session

Full compilation recording Care and Cure
Chantal van Speandonck - Breda Robotics / Care Innovation Center West Brabant


Mark Vlutters - University of Twente
Mark Neerincx - TNO 

Maartje Claassen - Eradus - SARA Robotics

Chris Verhoeven - TU Delft

Jiehui Chen - QKM

Henk Janssen - Indes

Hans Tangelder - Vicarious Perception Technologies

Guijl Steijvers - High Tech Alliance

Dolf van der Beek - TNO

Daan de Vliet - Aunt Louise

Cock Heemskerk - Inholland

Cock Heemskerk - Heemskerk

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Description projects

A | Social robots

1. Platform development for social robots

Several parties are already working on social robots.

These robots can be used for different target groups. These range from children with diabetes to the elderly and those with dementia. This involves looking at and platform with an independent layer and social intelligence. For different target groups from children with diabetes to the elderly and those with dementia. In which a platform with an independent layer and social intelligence is considered. This makes the application suitable for robots such as the Pepper, Noa, etc.

The application area for these robots is healthcare facilities and nursing homes.

Possible partners

  • TNO*
  • TU Delft

2. Robot Rose

Robot Rose is a service robot that helps the elderly and people with disabilities with their daily activities. These include help with unpacking groceries, setting the table, getting drinks and cleaning. The activities are mostly in the area of fetching and delivering things.

This issue plays out at Thebe and Siza, among others. Within this project, more practical evidence is being sought in hospitals and nursing homes.

Possible partners

  • Heemskerk Innovative Technology*
  • TUe

3. SaraRobotics

SaraRobotics develops (software for) social and autonomous care robots to provide support in long-term care. In co-creation with care workers, several modules have been developed that support the provision of quality and person-centered care.

This issue arises in nursing and care homes, among others

Possible partners

  • SaraRobotics*
  • QKM
  • VicarVision
  • VBTi
  • Avular


B | lifting and transport robots

4. Lift, transfer and rotary elevator - Robot

A robot that can help people turn from position in a bed or til to get up and/or move.

This issue plays out at Tante Lousie*, Mijzo and Ipse de Bruggen, among others, hospitals

Possible partners

  • Indes makes hoists with drive technology and machine interaction.
  • Confexion for lifting bags or cloths
  • TNO research working conditions

5. Washing robot

A washing robot can be used to wash people in a home care setting. Washing people is hard work and often takes place in a small space.

This issue plays out at Mijzo*, Aunt Louise*, among others.

Possible partners

  • High Tech Alliance* can technically develop this robot
  • Confexion for lifting bags
  • TNO research working conditions


C | Operations robotics

6. Operational robotics

Within hospitals, there is an increasing focus on deploying robotics and exploring opportunities for robotic applications.

This issue is an issue at Maxima Medical Center Eindhoven, among others.

Possible partners


D | Logistics robots

7. Hospital logistics

Many logistical movements take place in a hospital. These can be transport movements of patients, but also of medication and linen. In most cases, these are still manual operations. Some of these operations can be replaced by robotization, using AGVs or AMRs.

This issue plays out at several hospitals.

Possible partners

  • Tue*
  • Oceaneering AGV Systems

F | Other robotics

8. Further robotization for putting on compression stockings

Putting on compression stockings is a manual, labor-intensive operation. There are already several solutions to help people put on compression stockings. Still, there is a need for a further (robotic) solution to support clients in putting on compression stockings, so that clients are less dependent on healthcare providers regarding (the timing of) putting on these compression stockings.

This issue affects Aunt Louise* and other health care providers, among others

Possible partners


9. Disinfection robot

Room disinfection plays a major role in hospitals (operating rooms) and healthcare facilities. Meanwhile, there are several robotic techniques with robots for this purpose.

This issue arises at several hospitals and healthcare facilities

Possible partners

  • LoopRobotics*
  • QKM

10 .Changing incontinence materials in bed.

Changing incontinence materials in beds is a heavy and burdensome task. Especially if the client is bedridden. A technical or robotic solution is needed to relieve staff.

This issue, among others, plays into case plays at Aunt Louise*

Possible partners


11. Lunar Chibro

In practice, elderly people with help buttons do not always carry them with them. This creates undesirable situations and help cannot be provided when needed. Lunar Chibro is a small spider robot that can move around easily. This robot could be used in emergency situations and provide a (Facetime) connection to emergency responders. This robot can also perform inspection for radiology fluid spills, for example.

This issue arises in healthcare facilities and hospitals, among others

Possible partners

  • TU Delft*

* party(ies) who is the trigger/booster or initiator of the case


Purpose of the meeting

After March 24, we want to be clear on which projects and with which parties we will create the final plan. The deadline for submitting this plan is April 14. After March 24, we will schedule follow-up sessions to continue writing this plan.


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