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Webinar | Personalized therapy

09:30:00 - 10:30:00

Personalized therapy: Personalized medication using digital drug manufacturing
In this talk we will present TNO’s R&D activities in digital drug manufacturing. Patient-specific diagnosis and treatment becomes possible as a result of the ever-increasing amount of patient data available, leading to better clinical outcomes. Digital drug manufacturing utilizing 3D printing techniques enables personalized drug products with unique functionalities unattainable through traditional manufacturing methods. TNO is working to address the technical, medical and regulatory challenges on the road to practical application.

Personalized therapy: Biomedical electronics for organ-on-chip
Integrating electronics with organ-on-chip-related technologies can assist in the development of better medicines, such as those for neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. TNO Holst Centre is actively engaging in the electronics, microfluidics and integration technologies needed for the realization of human models on chip. In this talk, we will introduce the background and initial concepts for the realization of Organ-on-Chip applications with integrated electronics.


  • Anton Aulbers, MSc, Senior Consultant 3D Pharma Printing
  • Auke Kronemeijer, Program Manager Thin Film Electronics



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