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WEBINAR | Update roadmap Semiconductor Equipment

15:00:00 - 17:00:00
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The roadmap Semiconductor Equipment will be updated this summer.

On behalf of Joep Pijnenburg of ASML and leader of the roadmap semiconductor equipment, I would like to invite you to join the webinar “Update Roadmap Semiconductor Equipment”.

During this webinar, we will dive into the roadmap Semiconductor Equipment, and offer you the opportunity to contribute your ideas for this roadmap.

Date & Time
June 30, 2020


15:00 – 15:05 hrs | Welcome by Femke Roos High Tech NL and Joep Pijnenburg ASML
15:05 – 15:30 hrs | Our High Tech ecosystem
HTSM Roadmaps, Intended Impact for PPPs, Public co-funding
by Leo Warmerdam (Holland High Tech, General Manager)
15:30 – 15:40 hrs | 10 minutes Q&A, Leo Warmerdam
15:40 – 16:10 hrs | HTSM Roadmap for “Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment”
Key Starting Points, Figures, Trends & R&D Topics for PPPs and
Main Questions
by Arne Duwaer (ASML, lead writer of Roadmap)
16:10 – 17:00 hrs | Virtual networking drinks & end of webinar


The registration for this event is closed.

You will receive the proposal of the roadmap update 3 weeks before the meeting.

If you like to send your suggestions for the update via e-mail, please send a mail to Joep Pijnenburg ( before June 23th 2020.

Login details for the webinar will be send a week before the meeting.

If you have questions about this webinar or the roadmap Semiconductor Equipment, you can contact Femke Roos, Program manager Innovation;



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