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INTERSCT. | Conference on Cyber Security of Internet-of-Things

14-10-2020 untill 15-10-2020
12:30:00 - 17:30:00

During the INTERSCT. Conference on Cyber Security of Internet-of-Things on 14 and 15 October 2020 (both days from 12:30 until 17:30 CET), a series of inspirational speakers, panellists, and moderators from industry, academia, government and civil society will share their insights with you on (aspects of) the various (technological) ‘challenges’ we are faced with today and we will be faced with in the future as well as (directions for) ‘solution’ for our journey ‘Towards an Internet of Secure Things’.

The 2020 edition of the INTERSCT. Conference on Cyber Security of Internet-of-Things will be a virtual conference. Participation in this conference is free of charge. The number of available seats is limited. Reserve your seat as soon as possible at your earliest convenience.

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