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AI for ALL | From the Dark side to the Light

Evoluon, Eindhoven
14:00:00 - 17:15:00
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Self-driving cars, face recognition, digital money, smart vaccines. The world is evolving fast, with Artificial intelligence (AI) at the forefront. But there is a dark side, as AI is not neutral. It sometimes even divides our society. How will AI change our world? Can we influence the outcome? And should we be concerned? These are some of the questions that the internationally famous author, journalist, editor and critic Bruce Sterling will answer during the AI ​​for ALL event on November 25 at the iconic Evoluon.

What: AI for All – From the Dark Side to the Light + RetroFuture ticket
When: November 25th 2pm – 5:15pm
Where: Evoluon, Eindhoven
Price: 20 Euro (Worth 75 Euro)

  • Including a FREE VISIT to Next Nature’s RetroFuture exposition(from 12:00 – 13:30 hrs);
  • to meet our speakers;
  • to participate in the panel discussion;
  • to connect with other participants from businesses, governments to academia during our drinks and networking session;
  • two free drinks.

The debate
You enjoy the ease of paying with your smartphone, but for beggars it ends their income. Opening a door with facial recognition is quick and safe. The same technology can also lock out population groups, like the Uyghurs in China. Older people often have problems adapting to new technologies. The risk of leaving them behind is growing.

At this symposium, all facets and impact of Artificial Intelligence on science and society will be discussed. Together with Bruce Sterling, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Marleen Stikker, Hendrik-Jan Grievink, Caroline Hummels and Rinie van Est, visitors can enter into the debate, led by the chairman and moderator Koert van Mensvoort.

The collaboration between Center for Humans and Technology, the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Institute (EAISI), the research consortium ESDiT and Next Nature was inevitable since the public opening of the Evoluon with the exhibition RetroFuture: the world’s first major exhibition about the future of the past. What was strange, awkward and artificial yesterday is familiar or even natural today. By combining the AI ​​for All symposium and the RetroFuture exhibition, we want to stimulate the audience to think and debate about the future ahead.

Program & more info



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