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Webinar topic of fertilization and soil management

20:00:00 - 21:00:00
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Holland Robotics in one of the project participants within the project agroBOTS. We would like to invite you to the second meeting of the 'Tech and Horticulture' lecture series on Thursday, January 27th from 20:00 - 21:00. In the lecture series we will discuss the various challenges posed by robotics in agriculture. With questions such as, "Does my technology solution align with biology, plant cultivation and grower needs?", "What technology is available to support operations and business processes on my farm?

In the first meeting we talked about the Biology of seeding and making building plans. At this second meeting of the "Tech and Garden Bean" lecture cycle, we will cover the topic of Fertilization and Soil Management.


  • What is the role of fertilization and soil management from the point of view of Biology
  • How does the farmer deal with this?
  • What challenges are involved?
  • Where can technology provide a solution and what developments are already in place?

Both sectors need each other and we are happy to contribute to the connection! There will be plenty of room for questions and discussion during the webinar.


Participation is free of charge, provided you register using the link below

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The Biology and current practice of fertilization and tillage | Elles Leijdekkers | board member at the GAJK and working at NEDAP Livestock Management.
A look at the future of fertilization and tillage | Joris Hiddema | co-founder and mechanical engineer AgXeed

Date and time
Thursday, Jan. 27 from 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. | online


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What challenges does robotics bring to agriculture? Does my technology solution align with biology, plant breeding and grower needs? What technology is available to support operations and business processes on my farm?

These are questions that this bi-monthly free lecture series will address with the goal of bringing Biology and Technology/Robotics closer together. We will follow the cycle and related themes of the farm business, from cropping plan to harvest. The lectures offer an approachable first insight into the topics, where you as a participant are encouraged to think in advance about questions relevant to your farm.

For whom.

This lecture series is intended for both the farmer and the technician and aims to promote mutual understanding/knowledge exchange between Cultivation (Biology) and Technology.

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