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Meeting Future-proofing European SMEs through Digitalization & Robotization

12:00:00 - 17:00:00
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Optimal cooperation between man and machine within the agri-food and automotive sectors. That was the goal of the COTEMACO project. The project is coming to an end and we cordially invite you, as one of the project partners, to the closing event "Future-proofing European SMEs through Digitalization & Robotization" on April 20.

Together with the parties involved, we present the results of the COTEMACO SME Support program and present the follow-up steps of this initiative. In order to realize even more steps in the cooperation between man and machine.

The (hybrid) event will take place at Flanders Make in Leuven, from 12:00 to 17:00. Prior to the event, at 11:00 am, you can participate in a special tour within the facilities of Flanders Make. If you can't make it on location, you can follow the plenary sessions online.

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