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Online inventory for new agro robotization project

19:30:00 - 21:00:00
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Invitation online survey for new agro robotization project (agroBOTS 2.0)

Jan. 17 | 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.

To accelerate development and innovation and increase cooperation, we are going to start a new OPZuid project in the field of robotization in agribusiness. Together with you, we would like to look at the opportunities and possibilities for formulating a project proposal. We therefore invite you to the online inventory meeting on January 17 from 19.30 - 21.00 hours.

Globally, the agribusiness sector faces enormous challenges in the coming years. Challenges that require solutions in the areas of automation, robotization and data. The demand for these solutions offers enormous (international) business opportunities for the robotics sector in the Netherlands.

During this interactive session, we will look together with you at suitable angles and project opportunities how (your) technological developments can contribute to the challenges within the agribusiness.

Does your company have a specific problem (agro or technical) or have you developed a solution? Then we would like to give you the stage during this session. Please contact Elvis Bajric for this( or 06-19912193). To participate in this session, please register using the form below.

The development of these robotics requires combining system design with various other disciplines, such as sensing, AI, vision, handling, etc. It is also important to properly integrate human-machine interaction. In the Netherlands we have all the expertise and knowledge to become an international leader in the field of robotization for the agribusiness.

This project is a continuation of the current OPZuid project agroBOTS Under the name agroBOTS companies and end users work together on smart high-tech and user-friendly solutions for farmers and market gardeners. The first, still ongoing, AgroBOTS project has become a collaboration between the following parties: BOM (Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij), REWIN West-Brabant, FME and ZLTO


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