
Share innovation. Shape tomorrow.

Agri-Food Tech Young Engineers Panel event northwest Europe

07:30:00 - 09:00:00
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This online session will take place February 1, 2022 at 7:30 CET and is organized by agROBOfood's North West European Region in collaboration with the Dutch Association of Technology in Agriculture (NVTL) and the Student Faculty Association of Biosystems Engineering (Heeren XVII).

Central to the event will be three pitches from experts, which will focus on the agricultural domains of horticulture, arable farming and animal husbandry. Students and young engineers from the agrotech community will have the opportunity to interact with each other and the panelists. Participants are encouraged to share their own fresh ideas, through interactive polls and online interactive materials. In this way, we will brainstorm together on how current and future challenges of the agrotech industry can be addressed with engineering solutions.




This is an activity within the agROBOfood project

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