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Kick-off meeting COTEMACO for robotics industry

Scheepsboulevard 3 5705 KZ Helmond
15:00:00 - 18:30:00
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Producing smarter food with collaborative robotics and flexible automation

Production processes in the food processing industry still have a large number of manual operations and thus require a lot of manpower. Flexible process automation using (collaborative) robots can offer many solutions for this. This offers significant business opportunities for integrators and technology providers of flexible automation.

High Tech NL and Food Tech Brainport are partners in the new European project COTEMACO*. The main goal of this project is to bring together SME food processors and integrators/technology providers of flexible automation to jointly discover applications within food production processes and take the first steps toward implementation.

A kick-off meeting, specifically for integrators and technology providers of flexible automation, will be held on February 6. During this meeting, the purpose and method of the COTEMACO project will be explained. Also, the first results of the November 28 meeting with food companies will be presented as a first step to find possible implementations.

15:00 | walk-in

15:30 | Welcome by Food Tech Brainport and High Tech NL.
15:45 am | Explanation of the COTEMACO project specifically focused on the role of technology providers
16:30 hrs | Preliminary results of the workshop with food companies
16:45 hrs | Discussion in some groups on possible implementations
5:30 pm | Closing and follow-up steps of the COTEMACO project
6:00 pm | Networking drinks

Food Tech Brainport

Ship Boulevard 3
5705 KZ Helmond

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Participation is free, using the link below. There is a limited number of places available.

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Food Tech Brainport and High Tech NL are partners in the new European project COTEMACO (of the European cooperation program Interreg Northwest Europe). The COTEMACO project focuses on SMEs from the food processing industry and integrators/technology providers within the world of flexible automation and collaborative robotics. The aim of this project is to demonstrate the application possibilities of collaborative robots and, on the other hand, to lower the barriers to implementation in the food sector. To support this process, a field lab will be realized at Food Tech Brainport in Helmond where integrators/technology providers can demonstrate their capabilities to food processors.

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